Enthroned Is The Night
(Forever Plagued Records)

Remember when MORBID ANGEL was evil? Yeah well, all that is gone in a saturday night techno dance fever. But evilness and darkness prevails if you dig a little more into the underground: you will find DEMONCY. Ixithra’s one man band that has one morbid classic album "Joined In Darkness" under their belt, one that I believe all readers of VOICES FROM THE DARKSIDE should have in their collection and enjoy regularly. Other albums by them proved to be just a bit of a disappointment – decent to good but no "Joined In Darkness". I’m sorry but to paraphrase the immortal Bob Muldowney (RIP), when a band has set a high standard you cannot help but measure them to their own high standard. And then we have "Enthroned Is The Night". They start it off with an intro then we have an intermission and an outro (‘Midnight Veil’, ‘The Temple Of Shadows’ and ‘Nocturne’ respectively). Yawn! Give us a song for each of these, not sounds and stuff. Sure you wanna set up some atmosphere but ‘Enthroned…’ already has enough atmosphere without the need of the aforementioned pieces. Basically long intros are not to my taste and a waste of time me thinks. And then we have the songs: great stuffs, fast fast fast, reminiscent of the black magical "Joined In Darkness", a return to form if you will, but no cloning or repetition of said release. There’s a difference in the vocals as they seem to be drier and more upfront than the rest of the instrumentation so it makes for a good and interesting contrast, as the production, the recording of everything besides the vocals sounds like it was made in a satanic bat cave. But clear raw and powerful. This is a great Black Metal release; this is not your little sisters gothic or devildicksucking norsecore band. DEMONCY have released a very good Black Metal album once again, continuing where "Joined In Darkness" left off, without having to resort to gimmicks like drenching themselves in blood, stinking up the place and playing like MARDUK junior! Get this album in whatever format is to your preference as it is worthy of your money and your Metal time.,,

Luis M.L. Sallard

Luis M.L. Sallard

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