(Metal Mind Productions)
This CD definitely is a masterpiece of intensive Metal arts. Well, ELYSIUM’s style is kind of comparable to that of SEPENTIA, another highly melodious act on Metal Mind Productions. But here there is something discernible in the music that really enthuses me. ELYSIUM play melodic Death Metal in the vein of acts like – and most certainly I won’t be the first critic mentioning that – AT THE GATES, DARK TRANQUILLITY, IN FLAMES (whom I personally detest!). So this means, ELYSIUM play technically skilled, very melody-dominated, mid-paced Death Metal. The nice thing about this band surely is that the production is superb. The album was recorded at Tower Studios (Behemoth, Devilyn, Lost Souls etc.). The music is very dense and fierce. Admittedly I am not so much into this melodious Metal stuff, but this band strikes me as being formed by intelligent songwriters. The material has a good drive, the staccato guitar rhythms are gorgeous, the singer is ok. What else do you want? Sometimes there are interesting breaks that somewhat remind me of acts such as OPETH or NOVEMBRE (you like this comparisons, guys, don’t ya?). So… good piece of music this, the booklet is ok-ish, too (not too impressive / inspiring actually!) – so what are you waiting for? Support these Poles and get hold of “Feedback”!
F. Cthulhu E.