Demo I & II
(Misanthrophia Discos)
The name of the band refers to the purple-brown ergot fungus (lat. Claviceps purpurea), also simply called ergot fungus, a mushroom belonging to the genus ergot fungi that grows and parasitizes on rye and other sweet grasses. When being eaten the fungus can cause a toxic condition leading to a painful death. During the Middle Ages and early modern times poor and underprivileged people were more likely to be affected by such ergot intoxication, especially during times of famine such mass poisoning happened. So much for the conceptual background of the French Black Metal one man project. What I find much more interesting, from a musical perspective, is the following fact: the musician responsible for this also is in charge of two other bands, CHIHEDO and NUKEKUBI. If you count all releases of these three bands together, you will get the huge amount of four demos, three albums and two split albums. Please note, all in the year 2022! With such a high density of published content, even Rogga Johansson will probably turn green with envy. Exciting question for me is whether the musician, who calls himself Nebu J., only produces cheap staple goods here. Definitely not, because the music unquestionably has its charm, especially for those who like Black Metal in the early ’90s style. Which means in this case raw, but with a huge influence of synthesizer / keyboards. Both demos do not differ that much, listening to both simply entitled “Demo I & Demo II” feels more like a full-length. The instrumental interludes are placed in exactly the right places and fit seamlessly into the overall work of art. Above all, the guitars, some of which are very melodic, loosen up the aggressive and dark basic tone a little bit. So you will not get tremolo picking all the time. What I particularly like about these two demos is the fact that the atmosphere is in the foreground and it is really dark and threatening. When it comes to each elements, ERGOT DE SEIGLE are not reinventing the wheel, but the songwriting qualities are already well above demo standards. Mushroom pickers should visit https://ergotdeseigle.bandcamp.com or http://misanthrophia-discos.blogspot.de
Mirco Szymyslik