(Satanath Records)
EVERTO SIGNUM from Portugal are active since 2010 and after a full-length, released in strictly limited cassette format, the band releases their new EP called "Synergy" via Satanath Records, who are known for well-chosen Black Metal releases. The instrumental intro ‘Cold Inception’ takes up the listener with careful keyboards and carefully used guitars and sountrack-esque drumming and prepares for what is to expect from the second track ‘Stirred Ambiance’. It starts with slow and melodic, but cold and bloodfreezing Black Metal in vein of early DIMMU BORGIR or SATYRICON before the song gets a bit faster but still melodic with well-fitting and varying drumming and grim vocals. The third track, ‘Elemental Synergy’, is a bit faster with another fine lead melody but a raw rhythm guitar fundament and works out pretty fine. The lLast track, ‘Atrae Materiae Monumentum’, is a well-done cover of LUX FERRE and fits perfect to their own style. Again very dark riffing with the grim vocals of Nekruss, pounding double-bass and a fine lead melody. The overall production is kept unpolished and a bit raw but fits well to their sound and spreads out a pretty cold atmosphere. Fans of melodic and freezing Black Metal, no matter if you are into stuff from Norway or Sweden, should give this horde a listen as they are very talented and delivered a promising EP. More info at: www.facebook.com/evertosignum, http://evertosignum.bandcamp.com, www.satanath.com
Michael Kujawska