Introspective Contemplation Of The Microcosmus
(Terror From Hell Records)
Hailing from Lombardy, Italy, HADIT releases their first EP after a 3-year hiatus since their debut demo “Creating A Kult”. This new cassete, “Introspective Contemplation Of The Microcosmus”, suits well the not so recent Death Metal proneness to Lovecraftian / Esoteric themes pimping the style’s usual brutality. But once making use of a common resource of these days, the band seems to deliver a very captivating ominous vibe along its nearly half an hour of intense aggression. Their performance sounds tight and engaging, and the energy it presents just feels like they’ve played that the old way, something that cannot be emulated. Despite the conceptual features, HADIT explores their music in a rather traditional vein. The concept is there of course, in the artwork and lyrics, but I haven’t noticed any expected extravagance in terms of intros, experimental passages or the likes. It’s pure Death Metal, mostly mid-paced, with not so innovative but still interesting riffs that blend well with each other in a linear way, shifting between muffled guitar pics along double kicks in a sped up march fashion and fast riffs backed by blastbeats in their best primitive / Mick Harris way, as if a riff or passage would always add just bits and pieces to its previous one. Everything sounds as expected as the Death Metal bands of today though, except that this is not as reverb-fed as many bands playing similar music, which I personally believe to be a good thing taking their live act into consideration. I’d recommend it for any old school Death Metal fan, once this album has picked the best of old and new generation Death Metal bands and combined them quite well without intending to sound as a Swedish band. I’m pretty sure the band still needs to sharpen their creativity and find a more unique style, though songs like the closing ‘Thirteen Plans Of Nonexistence… Awaiting Kadath’ already shows some thrilling BOLZER – ish approach that fits their concept like a glove, and it’s by far my favourite song on this EP. Not a masterpiece, but definitely well worth checking out. www.facebook.com/haditdeathmetal, www.elektroplasmamusik.eu
Diego Rodrigues