...Of Frost And War
(Metal Blade Records)
Ladies and gentleman… the bitching an moaning for the good old times where Death Metal reigned the underground world supreme are over and HAIL OF BULLETS are waving their flag of unadulteraded old school head-hammering brutality for us mere mortals to bow and bang our skulls mercilessly. Right after the play button is pressed I was fucking hit by the fact that this is the band I’ve been looking for my whole life. All the ingredients were added to the melting pot with such accuracy as if they were measured by an alchemist instead of a bunch of drunken long haired lads. This slab has everything good Death Metal has been know for ages… slow-mid-fast incursions into the enemy territory leaving nothing but shattered necks due to intense headbanging, heavy as fuck guitar tone, rumbling bass and the vocals… those unforgetable wails… The one and only Mr. Martin Van Drunen which easily might be a mandatory reason to get this album in your collection. Current Death Metal frontmen should take a note of the guy singing here, if you guys cannot match him, go and get a fucking office job! While listening I was staring the stereo hopelessly and still I’m trying to overcome what I’ve been through. Pure Death Metal in the old tradition but with an enhanced sound that does not take away the overall feeling. Check this out at: www.hailofbullets.com
Mario Cubero
• HAIL OF BULLETS - Warsaw Rising (Norman McCann)
• HAIL OF BULLETS - III: The Rommel Chronicles (Thomas Meyer)
• HAIL OF BULLETS - Interview (Frank Stöver)