The Trollzorn family is unleashing again their ‘deadliest’ weapon and everybody – including myself – who has foreseen a bright future for the Germany based band HELFAHRT will not be disappointed. These days only a few German bands are worth to be connected to cult acts like NAGELFAR or LUNAR AURORA but with the follow up to their strong “Wiedergang” release the band is proving once more that they deserve this honor. HELFAHRT are in every sense of the word a true Black Metal band (so no need to advise any kind of Pagan attributes) but they are not completely focused on Blood & Fire & Death. The music is highly aggressive – very often up to the highest levels – but the band is incorporating calmer moments and these contra points are forming a musical matrix quite similar to the first releases of Germanys finest Black Metal export (choose for yourself which one of the above mentioned bands you prefer!). What makes this release so enormous interesting is the perfect interacting of guitars and bass and very often the first LUNAR AURORA release is shining through. It takes quite a while before “Drifa” is opening all hidden doors – so definitely not a release for the Sunday evening tea with your mother in law. HELFAHRT’s third release is quality wise aeons away from the current underground standards – and this is a more than positive thing. If you are lucky there is maybe still a chance to order the limited wood box, so for more info please check: www.trollzorn.de, www.helfahrt.com
Matthias Auch