I came across this album rather illegally! I accidentally visited one of the forums that I used to frequent a lot till about 2015/16, I suppose. I actually just checked and I registered there in 2009. So firstly, I was surprised those forums were still alive and secondly I found this album posted there. The album cover caught my eye and when I scrolled through the tracklist, I saw that the band had also provided all the instrumentals alongside, that was an immediate win in my books. Coming to METASPHAERA, I have zero idea about them and learnt a bit about them earlier today. All I know is they’re a German progressive / technical Death Metal band with the bassist from BEYOND CREATION and that shows across the entire album. The immediate band association in my mind is OBSCURA whom I saw live very recently and they blew my mind away. METASPHAERA more or less lean onto the same approach, they’re diligent with their riffs, the bassist is phenomenal and the drumming is just as needed. Coming to the music itself, they play modern progressive Death Metal with excellent touches of technicality that fits in perfectly with the message of the band. The lyrics are in German though, I’m not sure if that makes any difference to you, it doesn’t to me. METASPHAERA packs in so many ideas in each and every of their tracks, that it is actually a treat to listen to them, the riffing gives way to beautiful passages with delicate melodies that touch and go time and again. This is something METASPHAERA does so well, write small sections of detailed notes which they eventually expand to a cloud of brightness that truly shines through. I was a little worried when I saw that their album was about an hour long but with mature songwriting and precise musicianship METASPHAERA have managed to put out a wonderful record that will be revered by fans of Death Metal. I’d have preferred it if the album was about 40/45 minutes long, essentially chopping off a minute or two across all tracks which would’ve definitely pushed this album higher in my books, but this is pretty well done as well. One of the few complaints I have on this album is the production, it’s a bit thin (the first 2 minutes of track ‘Realitäten Pt. I’ is a good example here) considering the message that METASPHAERA have chosen to deliver, the vocals also overpower everything time and again which is fine but could’ve been balanced better. I’d have really enjoyed a much more detailed and well-spaced sound. Hopefully, I’ll hear something even better on their next effort but not taking anything away from “Metasphæra” which can be finally summarized as a phenomenal debut album with brilliant ideas and stellar musicianship that deserves your attention from start to finish. When you listen to the album in its instrumental version, you realize the true detail that gets buried on the back of the vocals. I really love bands that do this and I’m glad I checked out METASPHAERA today. They’ve certainly managed to scratch the itch. If you like OBSCURA, CYNIC and / or BEYOND CREATION check this album out! For more information, please visit or
Vamsi Kanagovi