Detached From Life
(Agonia Records)
MR DEATH is another example of the booming Swedish brutality, leaning on the Stockholm-sound. Before I heard this first full length “Detached From Life”, I blinked my eyes a few times aware of the line-up. To discover former TREBLINKA / TIAMAT and EXPULSION members Stefan Lagergen and Jörgen Thullberg gave me hope for a resurrection of the godly “Sumerian Cry” era. Well, this is way different (although some riffing do have the same vibe, just listen to ‘The Storm’ and ‘Fin’) and “Detached From Life” is way more American brutality oriented! And it turns to be a nice surprise, mixing old school with new school elements. (Very) violent riffing, pounding drums and a lyrical diet of death, chaos and blasphemy should please a lot of readers. On top of that you’ll get easily washed away by the power in ‘Evil Undisputed’, ‘Fin’, ‘Muse Of Chaos’ and ‘Suffer’. MR. DEATH will kick your ass for sure during half an hour in a heavier way than on the “Resurrected In Festering Slime” compilation (‘Jesus Christ Fuck’). The aggression is shredding, the sound deafening and the members’ long experience satisfying. However, in the end “Detached From Life” had more or less the same impact as MAIM’s first platter. The feeling is there alright and so is the brutality but (personally) at first I was missing something, but it starts to grow on you with every spin. Well, maybe not for you and you’re less picky! If you’re looking for simple, powerful deathbangers stop right here and order “Detached From Life” ’cause it’s a helluva record! I’m sure the displayed power will work best and simply destroy in a live situation! Don’t know any price, but you can get at most mailorders I guess and check their cool myspace: www.mrdeath.se, www.myspace.com/misterdeathsweden. Curious for their next offering!
Michael Tak
• MR. DEATH - Death Suits You (Julián "Mr. Autopsy" Núñez)
• MR. DEATH - Unearthing (Hauber)