Elegy For The Weak
(Karmageddon Media)
The first thing that struck me when I listened to this new output by OCCULT is the fantastic sound it comes along with. The drums are really brutal and indeed… they are bound to thrash you if you are not careful enough. OCCULT perform blackened Black / Thrash Metal, and it’s great fun listening to this stuff. These Dutch guys are crazy about old school Thrash and the derivates of this extreme Metal sub-genre. You can sense that straight away when listening to this act. OCCULT must have felt inspired by acts such as KREATOR, SODOM, DEATH ANGEL, EXODUS, MORBID ANGEL when they formed their band. This record is solid, very professional and it actually kicks ass. I bet these guys will pound all the filth that piles up thick in your minds out of them when they perform this material live on stage. Sure thing. I am not blown away and I didn’t feel I could lack strength when I listened to this, OCCULT’s fifth album – I state that here coz this danger is indicated in the info-sheet being added to the promo package. But still – this kicks ass, and therefore I recommend this album without hesitation!
F. Cthulhu E.
• OCCULT - Prepare To Meet Thy Doom / The Enemy... (Stefan Franke)
• OCCULT - Rage To Revenge (Frank Stöver)
• OCCULT - Interview (F. Cthulhu E.)