Hollow Of The Void
(Memento Mori)
Dry sounding guitars vacuum you in. Drums pound away with weight and vocals, well, when you really get down to it, they just feel like a perfect fit – not overdone, not weak but on point. This feels caveman-like, in the best sense of the word. Really primal Death Metal that is not beating around the bush. When it slows down it crawls, down strokes when it ups the ante really tempt your neck muscles, open one string picking ties the hooks with barbed wire and when it cuts loose it’s, well, an all around lovely racket. One must appreciate the right hand attack that PETRIFICATION offers here, palm muting really does shine through on "Hollow Of The Void". The rumbling of the bass can be discerned and for that we are thankful and praised be the drums, that to these layman ears sound intricate and mind bogglingly complicated. The Interlude is a rare kind of phenomenon but it does offer a breather right before sinking back into this Death Metal spill, courtesy of this American pack of ghouls. More info here: www.facebook.com/petrificationdm, www.memento-mori.es
Jurij Pajk