Extinction Protocol
(Godz Ov War Productions)

“Extinction Protocol” is the first full length album – after a demo and two split – released by PRIMITIVE WARFARE, a pretty intense Black / Death Metal duo from South Carolina. These guys play typical War Metal, but with a touch of furious brutal Death / Grind too, especially concerning the drumming. PRIMITIVE WARFARE leave nothing to the imagination, by contrast their style is a furious and brutal assault, well executed and without compromises. Here we have eight tracks for almost 32 minutes of barbaric Black / Death Metal in the vein of the gurus of the genre (CONQUEROR and REVENGE above all). This is very chaotic stuff, mostly fast and aggressive, even if there are some slowdowns. The main references are the projects from Ryan Förster and Pete Helmkamp, in fact we can hear tons of pick-slides and psychotic screamings. Although it’s very savage and ferocious, the drums sound doesn’t convince me at all, since it’s a bit too polished and clear. I would have preferred something rawer in the purest J.Read’s tradition. However, if you’re into War Metal, this is a good example of how this genre should be played. The concept deals with everything linked to war, atrocities, nuclear destruction etc. The cover artwork is a killer war picture in which a soldier is portrayed – probably American or English – that lies dead entrapped in a barbed wire trench defence from WWI.,

Rick Peart

Rick Peart

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