Deathwomb Catechesis
(Kvlt Records)
Man. This was a record I really wanted to like. The sick spiked-out logo, wicked “Orthodox Black Metal™” cover art, evil song titles, etc, had me salivating to listen to this album. And by most accounts, I love bands infested with constant blastbeats. However, the riffs are just not strong enough to have my blood boiling for the 40 minute duration. The speedier parts are like a cocktail of OBEISANCE / BLACK WITCHERY / KATHARSIS, but at a much less effective level than the comparison would have you believe. PSEUDOGOD also has been listening to a lot of ARCHGOAT, as the frequent mid-paced segments will immediately remind you. Don’t misundertake me, this is not a complete fail – just a monotonous blast of decently produced Black / Grind. Completists of the style will be pleased. www.myspace.com/pseudogodVIVIVI, www.kvlt.fi
Dick Osmond