Sacrifice The King
(Xtreem Music)
I guess everybody who has a favour for old school Death Metal, especially if Scandinavian bands count to your preferences, should be familiar with this ancient bastard from Suomi called PURTENANCE. Their classic "Member Of Immortal Damnation" was a fine slap of brutal Metal of Death and one of Finland’s finest moments in the early 90s. Unfortunately the band got disbaned in 1992 and remained in slumber for 20 years. I was quite surprised to hear that the horde would release a new MCD on the Spanish label Xtreem Music and really got excited to some new tunes. So with two original members on board the (now) trio released this EP called "Sacrifice The King" about one month ago, on July 1st to be exactly. Was it worth the wait? I must definitely say NO! The four tracks (plus intro and outro) sound uninspiring and lame – or better said quite boring. Seems the members lost their vibes during the long hiatus. Really nothing remains in your ears after listening to the almost 17 minutes and leaves you back wondering "What the fuck was that?" A real disappointment if you ask me. No memorable riffs, nothing. All their trademarks gone. It seems the band got together just because to get its little share of the now again so trendy / popular old school Death Metal cake. But it seems their piece is spoilt already. There are much more new and young killer outfits out there which carry the old spirit of the era two decades ago much better. So if you do yourself a favour and buy some stuff by STENCH OF DECAY, KRYPT or MIASMAL instead. I think "Sacrifice The King" will be forgotten soon as this is not what you expect from a once killer band like PURTENANCE. www.facebook.com/purtenance, www.xtreemmusic.com
Michael Oelschlegel

Sacrifice The King
(Xtreem Music)
Some might remember these guys from the land of the thousand lakes (or Finland for those who never listened to AMORPHIS). PURTENANCE released a 7" EP ("Crown Waits The Immortal") and just one fine album ("Member Of Immortal Damnation") twenty years ago on the Spanish underground label Drowned Productions (both re-released together on one CD along with the band’s 1991 demo through Drowned’s successor company Xtreem Music recently – Frank). Not many people will remember, but alas – that’s underground… And those who remember surely do it with a good feeling in their rotten heart. But anyway – it is quite astonishing that they not only came back but even recorded some new stuff. Was it a wise decision? I definitely think so! "Sacrifice The King", their comeback-EP, sounds like it is still 1992. Grinding guitars, growling vocals, Swedish melodies and brutalized drums are the ingredients which, in combination with a better production than way back, make a very enjoyable Death Metal cocktail. Somebody might say: "Boring ols farts!" And I say: Yes, they are not the new Death Metal revolution. I’m sure they didn’t even intended to be. But these four steam hammers are true to the bone and more brutal than any Metalcore band will ever be! To add up to that: every time I listen to "Sacrifice The King", I like it more and more… Especially ‘Demon Gods’ is for all of you, who still love the old Scandinavian Death Metal! Old school guys like me need to check PURTENANCE out at: www.facebook.com/purtenance. Label site: www.xtreemmusic.com
Thomas Meyer
• PURTENANCE - Paradox Of Existence (Julián “Nekro Orgy” Núñez)
• PURTENANCE - ...To Spread The Flame Of Ancients (Carsten Lomme)
• PURTENANCE - Awaken From Slumber (Michael Oelschlegel)
• PURTENANCE - Member Of Immortal Damnation (Stefan Franke)