Promo MMXI
I’m always interested in new and obscure bands. So I was quite curious as Mr. Stöver asked me to do a review of the PUTRID EVOCATION demo. I’ve never heard from them before and couldn’t find any information about them in the world wide web. All I knew is that they are a three piece and that they are from Chile. The "Promo MMXI" was recorded in November 2011 and contains two tracks. The opening song ‘Black Mass’ is an instrumental and not much more than an intro. The other song is called ‘Denied Birth’ and I would describe this as rather raw and rather simple structured primordial blackened Death Metal (and I really mean raw and simple!!!). Nothing wrong with that but this is so far away from being anything spectacular. To be honest this demo is just superfluous. Both compositions are boring, lame, and unexciting. The production is weak, lame and is completely lacking power and brutality (I suppose it’s just a rehearsal recording – Frank); I’ve listened to rehearsal recordings from the 80s which had a better sound than the "Promo MMXI" demo. I wouldn’t call this total crap but I don’t think that anyone really needs those two songs. Okay, it’s a debut recording and for that it might be okay but on the other hand there are countless bands in the worldwide underground which really kick ass with their first signs of life. PUTRID EVOCATION definitely don’t. I also doubt that they will grow into a respectable and promising band in the future, but only time will tell. If you are interested then check them out here: www.myspace.com/putrid.evocationcl, putrid.evocation@gmail.com
• PUTRID EVOCATION - Blackness Enshroud (Anders Peter Jørgensen)