Infected Purity
(Symbol Of Domination Productions / Satanath Records)
The Greek veterans ROTTING FLESH (around for 24 years now) won’t make it easy for the listener on their third album “Infected Purity”. From the first moments after the “Lord Of The Rings” inspired intro, the three-piece from Thessaloniki confuses the mind. ROTTING FLESH jump from Death to Black Metal and back in the same song, even within seconds. Symphonic and orchestral parts with dominating keyboards occur, sometimes Blackmass’ Death Metal vox are interrupted by female vocals and in ‘Abbadon’, there even are elements of Electronic music. What sounds confusing just when it is described is even more confusing when you listen to it. Any promising idea is destroyed by a genre change within seconds. The whole album is a heterogeneous mess of ideas, thrown together without any obvious concept. Even after a second run, the album doesn’t disclose itself to me. Thus I spare any other details and leave the most obstinate of you with the links of the band: www.facebook.com/rottingflesh1992officialpage and the label: www.satanath.com/sodp.html
Thomas Meyer