Altered Realities
(Dark Descent Records)

Unmatched beyond words could be used lightly when describing certain Metal albums. This word of praise is reserved for those rare instances where the zenith of musical achievement in the underground has surfaced. Norwegian SOVEREIGN’s debut album is most likely fit to earn that deserving recognition. “Altered Realities” is heavier in every way than anything in their previous attempts. Each track has a vibrantly technical structure with interesting twists and coherent songwriting. If you allow them to come with open arms, SOVEREIGN will completely floor you with their debut release. Not just showing their bright glimmers of potential, but seriously blindside you with a work that is remarkably well developed. Such was the case when “Illusions” or “The Key” were revealed to change the course of thrashing Death Progressive metal. That terminology is probably unable to define their broad and amazing appeal. However, that is a unique slab of genres that most Metalheads are looking for right now – Metal without boundaries. The debut opener, ‘Altered Reality’, starts the record off on a delightful adventurism of proggy Metal. The riffs are flowing flawlessly. Then, the straightforward hammering Thrash attack opens, and that is the time when the first glimpses of thrashing Death are perfectly offered. Through the avalanche of catchy riffs, it seems SOVEREIGN won’t let their listeners escape their unrivaled musicality. The solos are masterful, and the drumming is more than sufficient to allow each hook to reach a significant highlight. ‘Futile Dreams’ is an impressive follow-up. The guitar work is once again able to push the speed and ride the groove at the most accurate moments. The vocal performance on this particular track is immense. It sounds wicked in the best possible way. Incredible voice that is surely capable of making your nightmarish dreams eternal. Then comes the shortest song of the album, ‘Nebular Waves’. Even though it is a short-lived song, clever arrangements could make it everlasting. That is probably the approach that SOVEREIGN takes: creating memorable riffs in their short or long underground arts without discriminating one of them. And eventually, it will become a song that will make you come back and want more to find the motive and mystery beyond it. It’s just like the upcoming track, ‘Counter Tech’. Proto Death Thrash passages that are conjured with logical riffing. It has instant appeal as they combine it with decent bass along the way to complement the texture of their track. And when ‘The Enigma Of Intelligence’ continues to roll, this track truly has the potential to alter your darkest reality and desires in the thrashing Death dimension. Every aspect of this track is so well done, from the haunting atmosphere to the thoroughly enjoyable signature of this album aforementioned. So, ‘Synthetic Life’ comes with heavy pummeling drumming. It adds an oddly dynamic ability to blend moods, both aggressive and progressive. Despite the fact that SOVEREIGN has used the same formula over and over again, this song remains a fluid and refreshingly austere work. Their final offering of their debut is entitled ‘Absence Of Unity’. Every aspect throughout its more than ten minutes of playing time is substantial. You can value it as the most expressive one. The atmosphere in this song is one of the darkest in that period of time. It has a literary aura noir; the atmosphere this track conveys is just unbelieveable. The riffs towards the end conjure up an eerie at times. In essence, the cover art matches magnificently with the production. The painting truly captures the heart and soul of the inescapable reality that SOVEREIGN has been revealed. It is almost like a force beyond comprehension that might have appeared in outer dimensions that we long to explore. And the production is amazing; it is as exquisite as a modern, retro Thrash outfit could gain. Enormous Door Mastering makes everything discernible and sounds pleasant in the mix. It could be one of the major selling points for SOVEREIGN. In short, “Altered Reality” is an impressive debut. There is no vain experimentalism or soundsphere. 41 minutes of expertly crafted opus by flawless thrashing Death Metallers. Again, if you’re high on a thrashing Death Metal record with a crushing dose of progressive madness, the new SOVEREIGN should be yours!,

Yoga Ghotama

Yoga Ghotama

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