Her True Nature
(Ván Records)
THE NEST is a collaboration between members of WOLVENNEST and some special guests. Each individual participating retains their own signature sound and identity, but comes together to create something unified. This entirely original, commissioned performance combines meditative, ritualistic elements with psychedelic sounds and blackened Doom Metal, as well as bringing together a group of long-time friends on stage for the first time in this constellation. “Her True Nature” was recorded at Forbidden Frequencies Studio, Larsson Studio and Opus Magnum Studios between December 2020 / Augustus 2021 and mixed by Déhà. The “Roadburn Redux” show was recorded on April 17, 2021 at 013, Tilburg / The Netherlands and mixed by Dee-J. WOLVENNEST have a good reputation in underground Metal and this collaborative experience under the moniker THE NEST takes it above by multiple notches! This project has channeled cosmic energy into their writing and performance. Let’s focus on the CD “Her True Nature”, beginning with capturing the wave patterns from the worlds above on a starry night, THE NEST start cautiously with ‘Thalatian Vibe’, setting up the mood. They caress their instruments to recognize the patterns from above, they gently put together their thoughts and wait for these signals to descend into their minds. This is such an important part as the band move into the title track ‘Her True Nature’ which is a PINK FLOYD’esque tribute under the starry skies to the forces beneath. The band unfolds their burdens one note at a time, taking you higher from the darkness whilst the darkness gently holds on pushing you sideways into the abyss. What a beautiful experience this is! It prepares you for the implied comfort of the abyss, not letting you go and gently holding on to whatever is preserved to methodise your innards further. As we are tormented in this situational mental disassembly, we transition to ‘We Are One’. I’m immediately taken back to THE DEVIL’S BLOOD and that’s such a brilliant thing to be saying here, the band comes together to simply reflect the burden off each other whilst mentally trying to remain afloat in that abyss. They try everything, appeasing to the nature of the darkness, chanting rhythmic polysyllables for comfort but nothing seems to push them beyond. This is when they hold your hand trying to share the chagrined reality with you! This is the perfect soundtrack to the survival drama, Robert Redford’s “All Is Lost”. I genuinely hope you’ve watched it and if you haven’t, for your sake and for the sake of all things dear, go watch it. THE NEST captures the sensation of emotions, thoughts, actions, the desperation, the numbness, the hopelessness and finally the depth of loss through sonic wavefronts. Quite frankly, this is glorious. I love self expression through the dark labyrinths of human experiences and THE NEST have simply documented it onto a CD to be presented to the world. In short, this ritual, this collaboration, this conception and execution of a collective vision is one of the most engaging pieces of music in a while. Not that, THE NEST are redefining the boundaries of genres, they’re not! They’re operating at the depths where the genre is pushed above as a whole due to the nature of their output and I’m really glad to be experiencing this. I’ve had a lot of respect for Roadburn and Ván Records, with this output, the culmination of everything unholy has hit the peak of expression! What a way to spend a Sunday morning, watching it snow outside and listening to THE NEST, beautiful! Don’t even think twice, just get this CD & DVD combo when it’s listed on Ván Records. To experience this entire thing on the DVD simply blew me away! THE NEST pour their hearts and energies together, creating an atmosphere that reflects the collective state of mind. The whole mood of the concert simply ties in to the CD and how wonderfully they have crafted this, the entire lighting, the atmosphere, the visible emotions of the musicians, their delicate dedication to the craft. It all comes together to form an experience, a journey, a descent into the minds of everyone on stage. The backdrops, candles and the shadows within which they operate add to the mystic aura. Kudos again to THE NEST for putting together this ritual and presenting it to the world. I have nothing else to add here, just get a copy of this and well, thanks Ván Records and THE NEST, this has been an absolute pleasure to review this. I can only imagine how the people who saw this live felt. I wish I did when I think about it. For more information, please visit: www.facebook.com/wolvennestband, www.van-records.com
Vamsi Kanagovi