(Ván Records)
To paraphrase T.S. Eliot, “This is the way the world should end. Not with a bang, but with an intoxicating Black Metal album.” That’s probably how the Netherlands based Black Metal duo wants to end with their latest opus, “Untergang.” 37:45 minutes of another absolute essence of Black Metal towards abstract forms of atmospheric, eerie and folkloric music. It is a total Black Metal album for the devilish delights, not what most of you Black Metal purist devotees expect – a generic Black Metal album with erratic blast beats. The opening track is just as amazing as the final song of this seventh album by URFAUST. In the first minute, the listener can expect an impressive, absolute esoteric dark matter naturally growing vast and unknowable. The intrinsic drum part, with the equal amount of Black and Doom, creates an aura of the song that is more unnerving and calming at the same time. As always, the vocal work perfectly captures the unique element of their craft. Its operatic and diverse vocal pitch matches the intoxicating levels they have wanted to swallow since 2003. And here comes the ‘Höllenkosmos’. Throughout this second offering, it feels truly hard to escape from the droning nuance and layers of synth. The mystical wall of sound that these Dutch built is like excorting the listener slowly walking into the funeral march. The eternal rest for black mass in the spectral void. When that feeling of ‘Höllenkosmos’ gradually fades into the infinite darkness, ‘Leere’ is greeting you with an impenetrable traditional Black Metal soundscape. Their experimental display of this third song is unmatched. The shrill howls complement the monotonous drum patterns. It is not every day that the underground Black Metal scene is blessed with this kind of gem, a simplistic but exceptionally worthwhile one with a specific type of atmosphere. Another sequence of boundless darkness hovers through the instrumental track ‘Reliquienstaub’. In terms of psychological methodology, this track serves its purpose. It gives a significant balance to the emotive ambience. Something like a soothing in the dark and desolate sonic. Then the black mark of URFAUST comes haunting with ‘Vernichtung’. That memorable beat in the front is extremely likeable. All of that repetitive malice tolls the listener back and forth. A drunken ecstasy that is most likely only the listener can get from knowing the force named URFAUST. An unquestionable force that was there for a long time, surrounding them with its transcendent chant, awaits to be summoned in the deep darkness. Approaching the finale of “Untergang”, another standout instrumental called ‘Atomtod’ has manifested to please you. It might be the shortest song, but the dose of poison in this sixth song is undoubtedly effective in getting the listener wasted. The impact of this interlude is surprisingly enticing. The buzzing noise that was conjured and distilled with a great touch of construtive drumming is floating in the void. If this song is given as a pathway to end URFAUST, this continued structure cannot definitely be measured as conventional Black Metal music anymore, but as something that was there before the band even existed, a ritualistic performance that was designed in ancient ways. Once the rite is performed through the sixth song that binds the hypnotic loop of harrowing sound, one last bottomless space and time are left to be filled in. The magic of ‘Abgrund’ comes and enters in an otherworldly sensation of despair. A masterpiece that can prompt the listener to feel the true meaning of a solemn goodbye is a new beginning – only if they dare to dive deeper into the universe of URFAUST. All in all, we must thank and be grateful for the legacy of URFAUST. Their sonic landscape will remain untouched in the years to come. This is simply not an adious; all of their masterpieces have embraced and will forever embrace the heart of the black. Throughout “Untergang”, along with that stunning cover art and sound production, every song of their new album has a character, or a strong spirit, if you will. And to end their endless voyage into the unknown, listen and get intoxicated by the full force of URFAUST now. www.facebook.com/urfaustofficial, www.facebook.com/vanrecords
Yoga Ghotama
• URFAUST - Empty Space Meditation (Thomas Reitmayer)
• URFAUST - Der Freiwillige Bettler (Matthias Auch)