December 19, 2008
Legendary San Francisco Death / Thrashers INSANITY are back! The band already started jamming again on October 4 and 5 and just played their first show at Thee Parkside in San Francisco on December 14 with local acts PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE, FOG OF WAR and DIMENSIONS OF GORE opening. The new line-up consists of Dave Gorsuch (guitar / vocals), Juan Casarez (drums), Ivan Munguia (guitar) and Nathan Green (bass / vocals). Here’s an official statement from the band about their upcoming new album "Visions Of Apocalypse": "The tracks on this album are the last studio recordings of Bud Mills on drums. Originally intended to be pre-production tracks (recorded over the period of a year on three different drum sets and transferred digitally as the studio was closing), long hours have gone into mixing and pre-mastering the album as the band intended on re-recording it in 2007 but Bud became ill and died of cancer on November 14th, 2007. This album is being released to honor his memory and his impact in 1985 as a pioneer in the evolution of extreme drumming." For more info check out