June 28, 2008
During their performance at this year’s "Hellfest" Florida’s MORBID ANGEL already performed a brandnew song of their upcoming as of yet untitled new album. The track is called ‘Nevermore’.
If you’ve checked out our tourdates section lately, you will probably have noticed already that Florida’s NOCTURNUS will come over here in October to play a couple of shows. The line-up will consist of members from AFTER DEATH, which is Mike Browning’s current band. When we told Mike that a reunion without most of the original NOCTURNUS members could possibly result in some negative feedback here and there, he commented it as follows: "Actually you are the first person to write doubting the idea. I have had a ton of people that really like the idea that they will be able to see some of these old songs redone. Afterall I started NOCTURNUS with just me and Richard Bateman bass and drums and worked very hard to get to the point of putting out "The Key" only to have all that work stolen from me and ruined. This is my chance to actually pick up where I left off when I was fired from Nocturnus and finally bridge the link to everything I have done in my career. People will get to see us doing the old versions of a couple Morbid Angel songs from "Abominations Of Desolation" and mostly everything from "The Key". And some After Death as well. Has anyone ever said it wasn’t a good idea for Ozzy to play Black Sabbath songs? We are working very hard on making sure that what the people will see will be as close to the original way things were meant to be played and that’s what I intend doing. Actually you should check out my guitar player Demian’s page because he has a bunch of videos of us live playing Nocturnus and Morbid Angel stuff. And keep in mind we are only doing stuff from "The Key" and "Abominations…", stuff that I sang, wrote the lyrics and the drum parts, as well as a lot of the actual arrangements, so they are being done exactly the way they were originally intended to be done. I do have to say that we are working pretty hard to make sure that what everyone will see they won’t be disappointed with, I know I am by far not the best drummer around but one thing people know is that what I do comes from my soul and is real, this is surely not a reunion about making money, it’s about giving everyone a chance to see something different, something unlike anything they are used to. I did in fact ask Mike Davis if he was interested in doing this tour but he said he was done with music and I really do think he is sincere about that, so being that people will never see a real reunion, I decided to put together a set of songs that spans my career that hopefully people will want to see live. It’s funny but when Nocturnus put out "Ethereal Tombs", there was not one original member in the band. And Trey is the only original member in Morbid Angel. And the guys I am playing with in After Death are really good musicians, I wouldn’t do this unless I thought we could do these songs justice."