July 25, 2009
Swedish INTERMENT have issued the following statement: "INTERMENT is ready to hit Germany and the Thunders Over Miriquidi Festival. We have rehearsed a set which contain both old stuff from our first demo tapes and some more recent spells from our split disc. Will be massive for sure!! We have put the final touches on the long awaited "Where Death Will Increase" demo(n)graphy CD. All the material has been completed, now it’s up to Morbid Wrath & Necroharmonic to decide when this monster should be unleashed. Last but definitely not least, we are also working hard on new material for our first real full-length album. Most likely we will record it late this year for a release through Pulverised early next." For more info, go to www.interment.se
French BLUT AUS NORD decided to leave Candlelight Records and unite with Debemur Morti Productions. The band is currently recording on their upcoming, vinyl-only, album entitled "What Once Was…" to celebrate their return to the underground. www.blutausnord.com, www.debemur-morti.com