March 27, 2009
"The ultimate old school magazine" (as the flyer states) CONSUMED BY DARKNESS # 1 is available in printed and digital form now. 48 pages of old school madness featuring interviews with CRYPT OF KERBEROS, FURBOWL and MORPHEUS plus a huge amount of reviews (AT THE GATES, NIHILIST, DISMEMBER, UNLEASHED, MYKORRHIZA, ENTOMBED, MASSACRA, MORDICUS…). The fanzine sells for 3 € (postage not included) at Temple Of Darkness, C. Tiro 5-7, piso 7 puerto 4, 08035 – Barcelona, Spain or T213, Av. Diagonal 32, piso 3 puerta 4, 08017 – Barcelona, Spain. Apart from that CONSUMED BY DARKNESS can be downloaded as digital version free of charges here. The editors ask for donation or purchase of the printed version if you like what you read. Check out or