January 26, 2011
Horror Pain Gore Death Productions will release a vinyl deluxe edition of the ABSCESS debut album "Seminal Vampires And Maggot Men", strictly limited to 500 copies. It is pressed on urine colored vinyl with shit specks and packaged in a glorious full color gatefold sleeve. Also included is a unique magnet featuring the album art, a classic ABSCESS yellow logo embroidered patch as well as an 11×17 inch poster of unreleased artwork from the "Seminal…" sessions. More info at www.horrorpaingoredeath.tk
In February 2011 Dark Descent Records will release a double CD compilation of everything ever recorded by Swedish Death Metallers UNCANNY: the two demos "Transportation To The Uncanny" (1991) and "Nyktalgia" (1992), the split release with ANCIENT RITES (1993) and full-length " Splenium For Nyktophobia" (1994). Like the limited run 3 LP UNCANNY boxset released by The Crypt in 2010, this 2CD will be titled "MCMXCI – MCMXCIV" and feature original artwork from " Splenium For Nyktophobia" as well as artwork from the demo era. More info at www.myspace.com/uncanny666 or www.darkdescent.net