February 20, 2012
As a little taste for the upcoming fourth full-length album Hellthrasher Productions will release a new DEMONIC SLAUGHTER MCD entitled "Dark Essence" in March 2012. A trailer was posted at this location. For all further info check out www.hellthrasher.com, www.myspace.com/demonicslaughter
Polish Death Metallers CENTURION have signed a contract with Psycho Records for the release of their second full length album "Serve No One". The album is scheduled for a March 14, 2012 release and was recorded in various sessions throughout 2010 at Progresja Studio in Warsaw, with engineer Pawel Janos Grabowski. Piotr Mittloff Kozieradzki (RIVERSIDE) was responsible for the mix and Andy Blakk (CONQUEST ICON, EMPHERIS) for the mastering. Here’s the album’s tracklist: ‘Total Terror’, ‘Ego Ultimus’, ‘Sacrilege’, ‘Gateways To Condemnation’, ‘Cut The Throat’, ‘Desecration Of The Holy Kingdom’, ‘Thy Portal’, ‘Under The Black Banner’, ‘Ritual Mass Murder’ and ‘No One To Serve’. You can already check out two of tracks at the following links: ‘Ego Ultimus‘ and ‘No One To Serve‘. More info at www.centurion-deathmetal.pl