October 15, 2013
"Sacrilegious Fornication", the new album from Italy’s old school Death Metallers HORRID, will be released through Dunkelheit Produktionen in January 2014. You can already check out the titletrack at this location. In the first week of June 2014 HORRID will play a couple of shows in Germany together with MYSTIFIER, SATANIZE and GOATBLOOD. More about HORRID at www.facebook.com/pages/horrid/106220033688
Netherlands’ old school Death Metallers WARMASTER are currently streaming the track ‘Barbarians’ (from their upcoming second full-length "The End Of Humanity") at this location. The album will be released on October 30, 2013 through Dead Beat Media. More information at www.deadbeatshop.net or www.slaughterhouse.bigcartel.com
On January 21, 2014 Hells Headbangers will reissue the first two OCTOBER 31 albums "The Fire Awaits You" (1997) and "Meet Thy Maker" (1999). "The Fire Awaits You" will also feature the band’s 1996 demo "Voyage To Infinity" as well as cover songs by OZZY OSBOURNE (‘I Don’t Know’) and IRON MAIDEN (‘Public Enema Number One’) as bonus. "Meet They Maker" additionally comes up with the "Visions Of The End" EP from 1998 and four additional demo, live and outtake songs. More info at www.hellsheadbangers.com
Norwegian Black Metallers RAGNAROK will tour Europe next month, supporting INCANTATION, on the "Crusade of Vengeance Tour. For all additional RAGNAROK information check out www.ragnarokhorde.com or www.facebook.com/ragnarokofficial