June 19, 2014
On August 19, 2014 Shadow Kingdom Records will release a re-mastered edition of "The Awakening", from U.S. Speed / Thrash Metallers POWERLORD. All of the tracks (‘Masters Of Death’, ‘Malice’, ‘Silent Terror’, ‘The Invasion Of The Lords’, ‘Merciless Titans’ and ‘(The Awakening) Powerlord’) are currently streaming at this location.
HPGD Productions have just released a split album from FIENDS AT FEAST and TRAGIC DEATH entitled "Purgatory Rites". It is streaming in its entirety here. FIENDS AT FEAST are featured with the tracks ‘Four Winds Of Destruction’, ‘Through Immortal Gates’, ‘Spectral Passageway’ and ‘Into The Darkness’, while TRAGIC DEATH contribute ‘Suffer The Salvation’, ‘Withering Youth’ and ‘The Dissolution Of The Clay Children’. More info on both bands can be found at www.facebook.com/fiendsatfeast or www.facebook.com/218tragicdeath