June 05, 2015
Finnish Death Metallers NERLICH have been signed by F.D.A. Records. The band’s new EP "Eternity’s Gate" will be released on October 02, 2015. Here’s their official statement: "We are happy to announce signing a deal with F.D.A. Records for the next two releases (upcoming EP and 2nd full length), with the first one to be released later this year. It’s been long time since our previous outing, but time has definitely helped refining our performance and songwriting skills. The new EP, titled "Eternity’s Gate", includes 3 new songs plus one cover song from an old Finnish band CARTILAGE. Compared to our older material, the new songs are better structured / balanced and more different from each other (all having their own identity), have more slow parts and some dark melodies that remind a bit of old Finnish Death Metal scene. Lyrically this is somewhat a concept record dealing with different mental issues / problems, instead of the genre’s typical gore / horror stuff, so it’s closer to real-life horror so to speak." More about NERLICH at www.facebook.com/nerlichband
Italy’s Death Metallers GRAVESITE have just finished the recordings of their debut album "Horrifying Nightmares…" which will be released on July 01, 2015 via Xtreem Music. The cover artwork was created by Mario E. Lopez M. and the tracklist reads like this: ‘Intro / Anguished Sleep’, ‘Submerged In Vomit’, ‘Horrifying Nightmares Of Flesh And Blood’, ‘I Want To Rot’, ‘The Painter Of Agonies’, ‘Where Mortals Fear To Thread’, ‘Curse Of The Red Moon’, ‘Worship Death In All Its Forms’ and ‘Suscipe Mortem’. An advance track of the album can already be checked out here. The band was formed by members of HAEMOPHAGUS, UNDEAD CREEP and CANCER SPREADING and previously released a demo entitled "Obsessed By The Macabre" in 2014. All further GRAVESITE information at www.facebook.com/gravesitedeathmetal