February 27, 2020
Peruvian Black Metallers ARCADA have just premiered a new track entitled ‘Lunar Possession’ at this location. It will appear on the band’s upcoming debut full length “Projections”, which will be released on March 27, 2020 via Edged Circle Productions. The complete tracklist reads as follows: ‘Projections’, ‘IAO’, ‘O’, ‘Lunar Possession’ and ‘Setheus’. More about ARCADA at www.facebook.com/arcadablackmetal
Atlanta, Georgia based Death Metallers CEMETERY FILTH are streaming the new track ‘Subduction’ over here now. The song is taken from their forthcoming debut album “Dominion”, which will be released via Unspeakable Axe Records / Boris Records on April 13, 2020 on CD, cassette and digitally. A vinyl edition will follow later as well. For all additional info, please visit www.facebook.com/cemeteryfilth
On May 22, 2020 Dying Victims Productions will release HEXENBRETT’s debut album “Zweite Beschwörung: Ein Kind Zu Töten” on CD, vinyl LP and cassette tape formats. The following tracks will appear on it: ‘Ein Kind Zu Töten (I)’, ‘Lass Schlafende Leichen Ruhen’, ‘Spalovac Mrtvol’, ‘La Tumba De Los Muertos Viviente’, ‘The Spider Song’, ‘Ein Kind Zu Töten (II)’, ‘Attraverso Sette Porte All’Inferno’, ‘Blutige Seide’ and ‘Les Reqiuem Des Vampires’. The track ‘Lass Schlafende Leichen Ruhen’ is already available for streaming at this location. More HEXENBRETT at https://hexenbrett.bandcamp.com