July 21, 2020
Ukrainian Black Metallers PRECAMBRIAN have just premiered the new track ‘Fossilization’ at this location. It will appear on the band’s debut album “Tectonics”, which will be released on August 21, 2020 via Primitive Reaction. The following tracks will appear on it: ‘Archaebacteria’, ‘Fossilization’, ‘Cryogenian’, ‘Volcanic Winter’ and ‘P-Tr. Extinction’. The previously released ‘Cryogenian’ can still be streamed here. For more information please visit www.primitivereaction.com
“Antilogos: Arcane Transmutation In The Temple Of Flesh”, the debut album from Chile’s INDOCTRINATE will be released via Unholy Prophecies on September 25, 2020. The tracklist reads as follows: ‘N.A.G.I.T.H.A.’, ‘Arcane Ectasis’, ‘Barbaric Asencion’, ‘Sacred Brew Of Perdition’, ‘Forbidden Rites Of Fertility’, ‘Savagery’, ‘Antediluvian Experiencia (Celebrate In Profane Exaltation)’ and ‘Phalocentric Goatidolatry’. The album track ‘Savagery’ can already be checked out at this location. All further info you will get from www.unholyprophecies.com or www.facebook.com/unholyprophecies666