July 26, 2021
Swedish Black / Death Metallers VASSAGO are streaming their second album “Storm Of Satan” in its entirety at this location now. It will be released on August 01, 2021 via Nuclear War Now! Productions on vinyl LP and cassette tape formats. It was produced by Andy Laroque (KING DIAMOND), who also contributed some lead guitar work. More VASSAGO at www.instagram.com/vassago_black_metal
On September 30, 2021 Purity Through Fire will release “Einsicht”, the second full length from Austrian Black Metal trio AUSSICHTSLOS, on CD and A5 digipak formats. The vinyl LP version will follow a little bit later. The album will feature the following tracks: ‘Flächenbrand’, ‘Sklaven’, ‘Ertränken’, ‘Fels’, ‘Spiegel’, ‘Erinnerung’, ‘Maske’ and ‘Kerker’. The opener can already be streamed over here. More info you will find at www.purity-through-fire.com