(Hellthrasher Productions)

Somewhere in the United Kingdom, some guys started a band, recorded and released an album and left us listeners without any kind of extra information. To compile facts: "Denouement" is the first album by ABYSSAL, released in 2012 by the band itself and recently re-released by Hellthrasher Productions. In the meantime, the band already released a second album, "Novit Enim Dominus Qui Sunt Eius", again on their own. That’s what can be found in the internet. But no one knows where they really are from, no one even knows how many people are in the band, let alone their names. Complete anonymity, once again (remember EVANGELIST?). Only the music does the talking. And it speaks in a upsetting language that needs further listening to be understood. We have six mostly very long tracks here, two of them even surpassing the mark of ten minutes. And there is a variety of dark musical styles coming together. Sometimes chaotic and dissonant Black Metal meets Death Metal, sometimes mixes with the tempo of Sludge and Doom and creates unique stuff. The undertone of "Denouement" is always quite desolate and dark. Maybe that’s why I often thought of the "Dawning" album from MINDROT, when I listened to ABYSSAL. Completely unexpected outbreaks lead the listener in dimensions close to Grindcore (‘The Moss Upon Our Ruins’, e.g.), before another sudden break offers atmospheres of Industrial Death, like in ‘Celestial Dictatorship’. All that can be found in an even more extreme manifestation in the great, doom-laden colossus ‘Deus Vult’. If you hope for a chance to relax with the rather short ‘Detritivore’, this doomy beast will prove you wrong. Nevertheless it’s just the prelude to complete ruin. ‘When Paradigms Supplant Gods’ destroys all hope and kills the light. The final ‘Swansong Of A Dying Race’ (the title is like a manifesto) with its great guitar (dis)harmonies is a worthy final for this fascinating, yet disturbing album. Check http://abyssal-home.bandcamp.com or www.hellthrasher.com to find out more.

Thomas Meyer

Thomas Meyer

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