Kids Playing Thrash
(Infernal Overkill Productions)
What we have here is the debut album of ACROSTIC, released in tape-format. Seems quite unusual nowadays, but since the band comes from Chile I guess they are glad to get their album released, no matter which format. Accordingly Infernal Overkill Productions is a D.I.Y. label, focusing more on the music itself than on anything else. A quite refreshing attitude in our time, where it has become common to release new albums in different formats, special editions and not to forget the re-release two years later. Just visit the label-homepage, read the statement, and you know what I am talking about. Let’s take a look at the music. The band itself is describing the style as Noise Thrash, but I do not hear any Noise at all. Ok, if you are not used to extreme Metal, you may detect Noise on "Kids Playing Thrash", but it is not more or less noisy than early KREATOR, SEPULTURA or DESTRUCTION releases. Those three bands may serve as example what kind of Thrash Metal ACROSTIC are playing. Especially the same aggressive, fast-forward attitude like on the first KREATOR albums can be discovered on "Kids Playing Thrash" and accordingly the vocalist sounds like Mille on "Pleasure To Kill". You will not find this fine piece of music at your local record store, so get in touch with the label or band itself, to get some aggressive, mid / late eighties influenced Thrash Metal. Band contact: www.acrosticattack.cjb.net; cristobalsubreality@gmail.com or Cristobal Montenegro, 10 Norte, 924 Depto 71, Vina Del Mar, Chile. Label contact: www.infernal-overkill.tk
Mirco Szymyslik