Fear The Apparition
(F.D.A. Records)

APPARITION’s first full length “Fear The Apparition” is one of the most traditional Death Metal affairs there could be. With dense and raspy vocals at the helm, the band simply executes the tested template that all of us love. The drumming is standard, with not an extra note anywhere. The rhythm section on the whole is rock solid pushing the sound higher into an envelope of evil. This is nasty Death Metal with a hint of Thrash sprinkled across, APPARITION are heavier than DECEASED, stand toe to toe with giants like MORGOTH and deliver their message with no compromises. It’s not unusual to first measure a band’s potential / sound with DEATH, I guess that’s one true litmus test of how a particular band fares. I’m happy to report that if you like “Leprosy” and “Scream Bloody Gore”, you will love “Fear The Apparition”. Track # 3 ‘Demonic Torment’ is the perfect example, if you’re unsure and want to pick one track from the album, I’d pick this. Just like the first two albums from DEATH, APPARITION on their full length debut manages to put something solid on the table with no visible dents or scratches. I enjoyed this quite a bit. For more info, please visit,

Vamsi Kanagovi

Vamsi Kanagovi

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