Issue # 3
(68 pages, A4, printed, in Spanish)
I gotta confess that I wasn’t familiar with Chile’s BESTIAL CONSPIRACY zine before, even though their last issue already dates back to 1990. But when I recently received their "25 years anniversary" edition (issue # 3), I immediately knew that I must have missed out on something really special. The only negative aspect is their decision to run the zine in their native tongue, because if you don’t understand the Spanish language, you simply won’t be able to read it. And that’s a crying shame since the content is extremely cool and proves the good taste of the guys. This comeback issue is kinda like a split zine, because one part of it is the reprint of their last issue from the 90s and the other part is all brand new stuff. Visually you will easily notice the difference. The old stuff is in the typical cut and paste type, b/w layout and recalls early issues of zines like PUTREFACTION, SLAYER, ISTEN and even our own unholy rag, while the new stuff (which was incorporated in the middle) is completely in full color and the layout looks more like a professional magazine now. I personally prefer the old, amateurish look, but since their taste in music obviously hasn’t changed, it doesn’t really matter at all. You’ll get new, in-depth interviews with AUTOPSY, DERKETA, PENTAGRAM (Chile) and IMMOLATION, plus posters from old CARCASS (A3 size), old ENTOMBED (A4 size) and AUTOPSY (A4 size). I’m not quite sure if future issue won’t include any reviews either (which definitely should be reconsidered then), but this one at least doesn’t have any yet. If you’re more of a nostalgic kinda person, you’ll certainly get a kick out of the reprint part, because that old issue (# 2) featured interviews with MAYHEM (Euronymous), MORBID MAGAZINE (Ronnie Eide), SOLITUDE AETURNUS, DOOMWATCH, GROOVY AARDVARK, FORCED ENTRY and CARCASS, a special about the Chilean scene of the early 1990s, plus tons of band features and reviews from the heydays of Death, Black and Thrash Metal. Editor Jorge seems to be back in full force again, because he’s already working on BESTIAL CONSPIRACY # 4 while I type this. The release is scheduled for March 2015, so keep your eyes open for that as well. Until then you can still order a copy of the current issue for 4,000 CLP (in Chile) / 10 US $ (world), traders are welcome: BESTIAL CONSPIRACY, c/o Jorge Olate, Av. Consistorial # 2241 Home 17 – Peñalolen, Chile, email: bestialconspiracy.webzine@gmail.com, www.facebook.com/bestialconspiracy.webzine
Frank Stöver