This Machine Runs On Empty
(Listenable Records)
With a title like this… Those of you I’m sure who by now have kept up with my writings here know that I would of course have my blades at the ready and poised for a quick deathstrike, yes? I mean the title of this CD has got to be one of the worst constructed for an album! Mayhaps not of all time, but definitely in the “Top 20 of Metal Album Title Mishaps”, somewhere between “Force Of Habit”, “Green” and “Low”. Musically speaking this band is about as proficient as any of the latest signees on Metal Blade, Roadrunner, etc. The so-called New Wave Of American Heavy Metal. So think of all the Metal / Mallcore favorites currently spinning on MTV and you have now before you yet another one of those faceless fecal hordes to contend with. Uninspired and weak, shallow, and callous – of whom all seem to rip each other’s stylings and any notable riffs off at will and without any fucking regard for how blatant the theft or from whom they actually steal. No honour among thieves, right? So much so and to the effect, that it seems like this grand larceny is almost their “way”, these Metal / Mallcore types, if you get my meaning. Ten tracks of rehash and insipid caustic vomit brought forth from these North Carolinian fecular maggots known as AS I LAY DYING… err… BLOODJINN. Contact: or or
Wes Rhodes