Brain Eater
(Xtreem Music)

Ladies and Gentlemen, here it is. The ugliest, most rotten and at the same time multi-layered Death Metal album in 2017. CRYPTIC BROOD from Germany already convinced me with their debut EP "Wormhead" in 2015, but this time the trio unfolds its full power. More than half an hour of sheer madness. Since track by track reviews are pretty boring, I will try to give you an idea of what’s happening on "Brain Eater" by describing the different styles the band is able to perform in an excellent way. First up we have a huge influence of acts like AUTOPSY and ASPHYX, at some moments the doom parts are reminding of classic bands like WINTER or early CATHEDRAL. And in the next moment, like as the most natural, the decent listener is confronted with Grindcore in the vein of IMPETIGO and REPULSION. CRYPTIC BROOD even dare to take the "Goatlord" album by DARKTHRONE as an inspiration. Due to the fact that all three members are responsible for the vocals, you will find all different kinds of grunts, shrieks and shouting. Of course the more Grindcore orientated listeners may not like the doom parts and some might like the grinding parts and when it comes to "Goatlord" everyone has a different opinion. But for me the mixture is perfect. For a mainstream Metalhead the sound may be an insult, but if you are into old school stuff you will adore it. The whole affair is topped by an excellent cover artwork, making "Brain Eater" one of my favorite albums this year.,

Mirco Szymyslik

Mirco Szymyslik

Related reviews / interviews:
CRYPTIC BROOD - Necrotic Flesh Bacteria (Oswaldo Gonzalez)
CRYPTIC BROOD - Outcome Of Obnoxious Science (Marco Stebich)
CRYPTIC BROOD - Wormhead (Ralf Hauber)
CRYPTIC BROOD - Wormhead (Thomas Meyer)
CRYPTIC BROOD - The Graveyard Brood (Michael Tak)

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