(Chaos Records)
DECOMPOSED serving traditional Swedish Death Metal with a dismal touch of nowadays Black / Death. If you listen through all three albums “Decomposed”, “Devouring” and now “Wither”, you find a central musical theme. Which is, conjuring with evil disharmonious guitars and bass an oppressive atmosphere. Providing a organic old school raised Death Metal drum set and use slow parts to put a thick carpet of doom onto every attempt to raise your fist for a traditional Death Metal dance. With all their somberness, DECOMPOSED translate perfectly the transition from old Sweden to ancient and evil Sweden. On “Wither” all the songs are clever put together keeping an interesting balance throughout the whole album. “Wither” has it all to be a great record. BUT, I can’t tell what, but something is missing out here. Maybe the sometimes too predictable changes. But I am fine with that actually. Maybe the way it’s been accentuated. Nothing really new or unknown. Maybe because from their first album until now nothing has really emerged. But does it always need to grow somewhere? I can’t say. DECOMPOSED are certainly a good band. Doing their stuff more than right. Providing a dark and various Death Metal. Deadly, doomy, evil and contagiously enjoyable. And “Wither” for that matter, is no differentiation. Something is missing and I don’t know what. Check it yourself and don’t tell me: www.facebook.com/pages/decomposed/184061241645341, www.chaos-records.com