Tormenting Hallucinations
(Underground Defenders Productions)
Even if readers of this site think of Death Metal when they hear Chile, the country has more to offer. For example the small label Underground Defenders Productions, which focuses on Heavy and Thrash Metal. The split release “Tormenting Hallucinations” was originally released in 2017, but it could have also been published in the year 1987. Both Chilean bands are able to transfer the energy and feeling from the mid 80s without loss of substance into present. The first three songs belong to PARKCREST, two own compositions plus the MEGADETH cover ‘My Last Words’, taken from the all-time classic “Peace Sells… But Who’s Buying?”. The two other songs have, besides MEGADETH, a heavy drift towards ANTHRAX. So if you like mid-eighties American Thrash Metal write the name PARKCRIST on your shopping list, since the band already released two full-length albums, namely “Hallucinative Minds” (2016) and “… And That Blue Will Turn To Red” (2019). The second half belongs to DERANGED, a trio without a full-length so far, but hopefully there will be one in the near future. The vocals are bit more harsh and aggressive and the riffs as well as the songwriting tend more into the S.O.D. style of crossover, yet without losing the solid Thrash Metal base. You expect Billy Milano to jump off the loudspeaker tower at any moment. Highly enjoyable for my ears. These twenty minutes or so with two Chilean bands that I did not know until now have been more fun for me in the last few months than albums by well-known bands. So you know what to do, for more info visit www.facebook.com/derangedchile, www.facebook.com/parkcrestoficial, https://ugdefenders.bandcamp.com
Mirco Szymyslik
• DERANGED - Deranged (Ramon Claassen)
• DERANGED - The Redlight Murder Case (Matthias Auch)
• DERANGED - Obscenities In B-Flat (Tim Klöcker)
• DERANGED - Plainfield Cemetery (Stefan Franke)
• DERANGED - Interview (Frank Stöver)