The Redlight Murder Case
(Regain Records)
In former times the dark Swedish mountains have been crowded by dangerous animals famous throughout the whole world for their bloodlust, hunger for human flesh and most important for their potential musical class. These animals lived in packs like wolves; shared their musical views and furthermore our passion for beer during their several tours throughout Europe. But times go by and even the most dangerous animals gets old and weak and so some them left their mountains of doom to live a civilised life somewhere in beautiful Sweden or even Germany. But Satan be blessed not all bands left the Death Metal path of total destruction, devastation and mayhem so here there are – one of my most beloved relics of former times DERANGED. After releases like “Plainfield Cemetery” which has gone a more technical approach, DERANGED returned to their dark Swedish mountain to return to “La Orgia de Los Muertos” (from their famous “Deranged” album). Due to the last DERANGED releases I would never expect such a fantastic killer album. The sound is great – the music is pure aggression combined with a groove that I’m searching for years but only rarely discovered since Six Feet Under’s famous “Haunted” album. “The Redlight Murder Case” is offering a great if not the best Death Metal release of 2007 and if you listen to songs like ‘The Killer Wore Black Gloves’ or ‘Gently Before She Dies’ and your head is not starting to bang automatically only strong medicine can help you! With Regain Records as new business partner and this murder release DERANGED will kick ass worldwide, the hour of DERANGED has finally arrived, so don’t blame me – you have been warned! www.regainrecords.com
Matthias Auch
• DERANGED - Struck By A Murderous Siege (Carsten Lomme)
• DERANGED - Deranged (Ramon Claassen)
• DERANGED - Obscenities In B-Flat (Tim Klöcker)
• DERANGED - Plainfield Cemetery (Stefan Franke)
• DERANGED - Interview (Frank Stöver)