Ritual Ascension Beyond Flesh
(Selfmadegod Records)
Huhu, this is old school stuff. Actually it is ooooooooooooooollllllllldddddd schooooooool stuff. Really old school. Seriously, I haven’t listened to a recording like this since ages. Glorious DISEMBOWELMENT times come to my mind while listening to this album. And THERGOTHON which were even slower. ENCOFFINATION – great sounding name by the way – features 2 members which also play in other bands such as DECREPITAPH, FESTERED, TOMBSTONES and BEYOND HELL. ENCOFFINATION present us with their 2nd release, after their 7″ EP “Temples Descend Below The Earth” a crushing monster of gloominess and darkness. No melodies, ultra deep vocals, shredding guitars. Yes, the guitars are not exactly doomy, but the way they stand out in the mix together with the drums full of reverb makes the whole listening-experience probably to the downer of the year. My first listen to this album was more or less superficially and this album didn’t work at this time for me, which is a proof to take your time to listen to it carefully over and over again and that’s what I did. Now I’m listening to it on a regular level and this album, with such awesome songtitles as ‘Nefarious Yet Elegant Are The Bowels Of Hell’, ‘Eucharist Of Bone And Flame’ or ‘Beyond The Grace Of Flesh Go I’, is rotating in my CD-player constantly. If you are a fan of DISEMBOWELMENT, perhaps INCANTATION (do we recognize a certain similarity on ENCOFFINATION’s logo???) you won’t make a mistake with ordering this release. The CD-version is available now through Selfmadegod Records (www.selfmadegod.com) and another 7″ EP called “Seventh Temple Of Laodicean Scripture” is on its way through Blood Harvest Records.
Thomas Ehrmann