Building Up A Ruin To Come
(Supreme Chaos Records)
At first I had a hard time listening to FALLEN YGGDRASIL’s debut full length because of Simon Kratzer’s vocals. Kratzig indeed, hehe… Remind me a bit of ATROCITY’s Krulle which I never really liked. But finally I seem to get accustomed at least to Simon’s voice so nothing distracts me from the actual music any more. I’d describe it as European, mostly Swedish sounding old school Death Metal with many melodic leads and catchy hooks the Gothenburg way. Definitely good stuff for headbangers although I don’t like some of the leads, especially on ‘Bequest’. Gets annoying too soon. Too simple for me. I’m sure “Building Up…” is cool live with a beer in your hand. Good on CD as well because the more than solid song writing rather concentrates on the brutal old school feeling. Refreshingly thoughtful lyrics as well: this one pretty much rocks. www.fallen-yggdrasil.de
Ramon Claassen