(Soulseller Records)
GRAVDAL is a Black Metal outfit from Norway. Curious enough, their third release "Kadaverin" sounds way different than what I was expecting in the first place. I went back and searched for their first two full length albums and all I can say is that the band has definitely evolved. First off, the production sets this album apart from the usual characteristics and parameters of the genre. It’s heavy, raw and organic. Thick guitar and bass tones, in your face drums and gruff vocals. It has a late 90s sound. Yes, this is not the regular Black Metal album. Also, riff and composition wise, the songs have a lot of variation and they create a certain atmosphere as the album plays on. All instruments sit nice in the mix, although sometimes the vocals are pushed back a little, specially during the most extreme segments. There are multiple outbursts of violence, blast beats and total chaos. But most of the songs showcase a very solemn, march inspired pace. Epic is another adjective that came to mind after my third listen in a row. I could hear influences from BATHORY’s later works and also some early IMMORTAL. All that combined with eerie and creepy melodies that make "Kadaverin" a really interesting album. If you are a Black Metal fan, I urge you to listen to "Kadaverin" right away. And if you like Metal in general, then give this album a chance, because I think it will make you press that repeat button more than once. You can contact the band here: www.facebook.com/gravdalofficial. And get "Kadaverin" from their label here: www.soulsellerrecords.com
Alfonso Perez