Pimps Of Gore
(Supreme Chaos Records)
This MCD by the German Porn Grind sickos GUT contains 8 tracks of very simple and slow Grindcore, unfortunately without any blastbeats or any other good ideas (can you still call it Grind when there are no blastbeats or even fast parts at all? I don’t know…). Most of the tracks were furnished with electronic beats by Otto von Schirach, who is an electronic music DJ. These songs remind me of the experimental PUNGENT STENCH stuff, but only much, much more boring. Besides the additional samples from horror and porn flicks, there is absolutely nothing outstanding or entertaining about this release. It is neither provocative nor shocking, just boring! On their homepage you can find a couple of mp3 files to get your own impression: www.gut-grindcore.de
Christoph Göbel