(AOP Records)
The name was more set for a Deathcore band, and I was ready for such abomination to strike. Instead we are faced with a Post Rock band with Black Metal touches. I have already faced a couple of bands in a similar style, and although sometimes I can appreciate what they do, they are a failure concerning what Metal is. I do not care for Post Rock, although I can feel some bands in the style doing dark eerie songs and melodies. But I am here more for the power of Metal than for a nostalgic feeling. Very few Metal bands playing this depressive style will be of my liking. Still HARAKIRI FOR THE SKY is doing a very competent work, as in this case they wander through the styles with relative ease. Mostly mid-tempo, this usually takes away the power of interesting instances of the band, they use here and there some bursts of speed, but the thing is that when they play fast they do remind me more of Punk bands rather than Metal bands. Their Black Metal style is on the atmospheric style, like a melodic early BURZUM and then there is that style reminiscent of ANATHEMA, which if we put it on a balance will be like 30% Black Metal and 70% Post Rock, no matter if the vocals mostly are more shrieking screams. If these bands decided to go with a clean vocalist I can foresee them doing a lot better in mostly all areas. Myself, I will get some AUTOPSY to unclean my ears…,
Julian “Nailgarden” Nunez
• HARAKIRI FOR THE SKY - III: Trauma (Mirco Szymyslik)