Parody Of Life
(Vic Records)
Let’s take a short trip back in time. In 1990 DESTRUCTION, the legendary Thrash squad from Germany released their sixth album “Cracked Brain”. Surprisingly one can hear André Grieder of POLTERGEIST as singer on that album. During the recordings the usual vocalist Schmier got fired from the band. That obviously bothered him that much that he immediately put together another band and started to write songs. Fortunately, we must say nowadays! Compared to “Cracked Brain”, HEADHUNTER’s debut album “Parody Of Life” is simply the record with the better ideas and a better and way more melodic songwriting. It’s absolutely hearable that Jörg Michael, Schmuddel and Schmier had a lot of fun writing, performing and recording songs like ‘Ease My Pain’, ‘Force Of Habit’ or ‘Kick Out Your Traces’, just to name a few. To put it straight, these songs are sounding very much like DESTRUCTION basically – but without being tied to what people might expect a legendary Thrash band should do. Instead of this, HEADHUNTER plays with elements out of classic Heavy Metal, not afraid to experiment with melodies. They let the music of songs like ‘Cursed’ or ‘Caught In A Spider’s Web’ remain very long in the mid-tempo, letting them build up tension and develop a great creepy sounding feeling. On top of that, they get a very fresh sounding Rock’n’Roll drive added to parts of the songs, which gives the entire record a refreshing spontaneity! What can one say about the very melodically played last song on the album, called ‘Crack Brained’? Well, revenge tastes best when enjoyed chilled, an old saying goes. If “Parody Of Life” has forged revenge thought by Schmier into the music, then this is an example of a very constructive handling of energies like that. Great to see, that there is now a re-release of this album again, which nowadays stands the test of time completely. Hopefully available as a limited vinyl edition soon also. Label contact: www.vicrecords.com
Wedekind Gisbertson