Walking Through Hell
Some new Thrash Metal from Australia. Well, remembering Thrash from down under, my memories mainly bring some bands to light that didn’t really made it. Neither they are remembered too well, nor they were successful. Except for HOBB’S ANGEL OF DEATH, who somehow became "cult", for whatever reason. But all of them suffered from the same problem: lack of originality! They all sounded so exchangeable. Now HIDDEN INTENT, a three-piece from Adelaide, try to break with this pattern. The self-financed album "Walking Through Hell" is their first full length offering after a demo. The album starts up with ‘Confession’, an intro with samples from the "American Psycho" movie. We may as well expect the worst… Following this intro, ‘Walking Through Hell’ immediately raises the question if Phil Rind moved across the great ocean. But no, it isn’t the voice of SACRED REICH, even though Chris McEwen sounds like his long lost twin brother. Musically, Mr. Rind’s band meets mid 90s Thrash like KR’UPPT – does anyone remember this band? Poor guy! HIDDEN INTENT is another one of these pretty modern sounding, so called Groove Thrash bands that made me turn away from Thrash Metal years ago. Nearly the whole album passes me by, except for some nice leads like in ‘Die Inside’, even though they sound very familiar. When I try to remember some riffs, breaks or leads, there is nothing to remember. And the quite clean, yet clear production doesn’t help that much, too. So, nothing new on the Australian Thrash front. If you want to find out more: www.facebook.com/pages/hidden-intent/181391271911581
Thomas Meyer