Témoignages De La Gnose Terrestre
Violent, chaotic and insane Black / Death Metal from the UK that has a primordial approach, where one can listen even to some very violent Punk influences… which in this case is exactly a good thing. The constant use of dissonant riffs, adds a psychotic edge that makes this quite interesting and a challenge for the listener. And even if I find more than a few touches of chaotic bestial Black Metal, there is actually a coherent form in the songs, and the production values are more than perfect for this kind of music, that dares to use melodic progression in such a twisted way, that makes them sound quite different. Hard to compare the band, as at time it does sound like some orthodox Black Metal in the OFERMOD vein, and the it turns more into a NIFELHEIM approach, to even some THE CHASM sounds and then a slight suicidal Black Metal edge. A band named after a homicidal famine in the early 20th century from the Ukraine, has definitely a murderous approach, which few bands can do without sounding like a caricature. And these sickos do it very well. I am more than interested in hearing what the future brings. A very interesting and violent release. www.facebook.com/holodomor
Julian “The Iconoclast” Nuñez