Rage Inside The Womb
(Osmose Productions)
Rage Inside The Womb
(Osmose Productions)
Still no compromises! HOUWITSER from Holland once again are punching pure brutality into your face. Simple, straight forward f*#%§n’ Death Metal with deeep vocals for sick people like you and me. Actually, I prefer it a bit more weird and original – NILE and the likes are more what I fancy – but of course that’s a matter of taste. The main point of criticism is the length or rather the shortness of this album. On the other hand, it’s not very likely you get any fillers and there are none indeed. HOUWITSER probably will never win prices for originality, but that’s not their aim anyway. Consequently, “Rage Inside The Womb” is more or less just a really good way for your daily fix of Death Metal and who am I to criticise?
Ramon Claassen
Ramon Claassen
Related reviews / interviews:
• HOUWITSER - Damage Assessment (Edouard Vergriete)