Death Over Ostrobothnia
Even if it sounds more like a country from the fantasy world of middle earth to my ears, in fact Ostrobothnia is a region in western Finland. This compilation features three bands which are, of course, all located within that area. Split equally with three songs per band “Death Over Ostrobothnia” is a pure listening pleasure, which naturally has its cause in the quality of the involved bands. The colorful (or better: bloody) dance begins with KOMPOST. Active since 2007 they released their debut “Pallor Mortis” last year. Both, debut and the two new songs, plus the already released track ‘Sietoraja’ from the “Vastareaktio” EP (2017) have a strong connection to American Death Metal in the vein of SUFFOCATION and especially CANNIBAL CORPSE. Not too technical, more with an emphasis on brutality. Same goes for the following LIVING INFERNO, even if it is a little bit more melodic here. By the way, LIVING INFERNO are the youngest band, just founded two years ago with only two official releases so far. Hopefully the three new tracks will find their way to the debut. TORMENTICON are finishing the brutal bouquet of Death Metal. Already the sound makes clear that we are moving more in the direction of old school Death Metal. Surprisingly not Scandinavian Death Metal, instead it is pure BOLT THROWER and BENEDICTION with some slices of ASPHYX worship. TORMENTICON already released an full-length, but that was in 2010 and I wonder where the band has been all these years. Because the three new tracks do not need to hide from anything or anyone. Usually I always have my problems with compilations, because the quality of bands is too different and hence the listening pleasure goes away. But not in this case, never was a compilation more enjoyable. On “Death Over Ostrobothnia” the listener will discover three very good Death Metal outfits and hopefully one or another label has already taken notice. More info about each band can be found here: www.facebook.com/kompostdeathmetal, www.facebook.com/living.inferno.official, www.facebook.com/tormenticon
Mirco Szymyslik